Adrian daniel is one of the reasons R&B is exciting again pushing it into new territory.
"Adrian Daniel, one of Northside's most influential talent at the 2017 Festival" - TIDAL
"Adrian Daniel's modern R&B slithers and shape-shifts alluringly, propelled by a commanding falsetto that's practically engineered to make knees quiver. " - NPR
"Between the backup vocalist, the drummer, and the bassist, Daniel had an ensemble capable of stunning any crowd - and his own vocal chops to boot. His own original tracks "Havoc" and "Fucking High" saw many in the audience singing along, clearly enjoying the dark rock vibes"- Pop Dust
"Adrian Daniel is the future”
Adrian Daniel is on the precipice of pushing neo-soul forward. - Okayplayer
"It's fire" - Ebro Darden (Beats 1)